
My flight today is on 3 PM so I left my house on 12.30 PM. The traffic was nice and the airport was not crowded today. That’s why I arrived at the airport with only 30 minutes drive and be able to check in quickly. I had 1 hour to waste and I chose to get inside a lounge so I can sit comfortably, eat, drink, and use wi-fi connection for free. I decided to leave the lounge and wait inside the gate instead when it’s 30 minutes left to my take-off time.

I was surprised that it was already empty in the waiting room inside the gate. I asked a staff and found out that other passengers were already going inside the plane. Didn’t thought that it would be that fast.

I had to hold my bladder because I was rushing to get in the plane. I called my parents and my sweetheart on my way to get in the plane.

Here I am… This is a very familiar view.


Somewhere in the Clouds

The woman on my left was busy with her iPad. I decided to get busy too with my phone typing this blog since I installed WordPress application in my phone. Don’t worry, my phone is on airplane mode :)

After I landed in Singapore, I visited a Duty Free Shop and window shopped some whiskeys since it’s my favorite spirit. After seeing enough whiskeys, I went straight away to taxi queue line and took a cab home. As soon as I got home, I tidied my things up, had dinner with my room-mate, took a shower, and studied Financial Market.

A friend of my housemate is staying in our apartment for a while. In just few hours he made me mad. That guy shaved his pubic hair and he left his thing in our shower box. Didn’t he think that his pubic hair might clog our drainage? Also, it’s not cool to mess in the house that’s not yours!

11 days to 11 May. Just you wait my dear…

Categories: Life

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